
Finding your Writing Space

Writers write. It’s what we do. Easier said than done, right? There’s often too many distractions. Social media, family, television, life. These are a few problems we encounter, but one of the biggest in procrastination. When we do find time to write, the only thing we tend to do is everything else. Do some chores, pace around the house, watch television, or play on the Internet. We make ourselves busy, so we don’t pin ourselves down and force ourselves to write.

Writing is hard. It challenges us to sit—lose ourselves in our story and watch what happens play by play. The only problem? We don’t have a consistent writing space. Distractions cause us to lose focus on writing and doom you from telling your great story. Writers need a sanctuary—someplace to call our own. This can be a room, a nook, study, library, or even a café. I hesitate to say a public space like a café because you can get distracted by the presence of others, which is why we need our own writing space. This isn’t to say you can’t go to a café, but it takes a lot of willpower to overcome distractions, immerse yourself in the story, and write.

Once you establish your writing space you need to set the mood. This is essential so take the time to set your space up—don’t do it halfway. Respect this space. Take it seriously. This is your temple of creativity.

Next, find out whether you write better with background noise such as music or a certain movie. Maybe you prefer the quiet or like to have the windows open. Do you writer better at a desk or a table? Do you have a favorite chair?

Now that you have your space, what’s next?  One of the most common problems with writing is finding the time to write. If you struggle with this due to your work schedule, home, social commitments, etc. it helps to have a set time everyday to write. It gets you into a routine. I write every morning from 4-6 a.m. I also write on Saturday morning from 9:30 – 11:00.

Finding a space to call your own is essential for any writer. You need to take advantage of every opportunity and one of those is making sure you have your writing space. Take yourself seriously by taking your writing space seriously.

Good luck and happy writing.


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