
March Newsletter

March as you know is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. Why? Because a lot of military campaigns began in the spring. Soldiers march. Right? Or did I make that up? Sounds good to me. Also, Mars the planet is named after Mars the god. Why? Because the planet looks red – it’s called the Red Planet – and red is the color of blood. Blood, war. Get it? On a happier note, March 20 is the first day of spring. A time of renewal and rebirth. A good time to begin a military campaign. There may be a contradiction there. Let’s move on.

Saint Patrick’s Day is March 17, a Wednesday this year. When I was a kid in school, I remember getting pinched if I didn’t wear any green. My wife however was lucky. She has green eyes so she never got pinched. Not fair.

And now for some publishing news. I’m happy to say announce the new Rebecca Watson crime thriller, Minutes to Midnight is with the editor. This is both good and bad. Good that I finally finished writing the novel. Bad in that there will be plenty of editing going back and forth until the publisher, editor, and I are all happy with the final draft and is ready for print. I am looking forward to this book being published because I think all of you readers out there will enjoy the story. I added the book blurb below.

Detective Rebecca Watson of the Eugene Falls Police Department is getting ready for her Drill Weekend in the Navy Reserves when she gets the call from her lieutenant. He wants her to check a crime scene of a serial killer who was severely injured during an automobile accident while transporting bodies in 55-gallon drums. Her boss believes this is an open and shut case, but upon further investigation Watson realizes the serial killer had a partner. While working the case, she is activated in the Navy onboard the USS Vella Gulf.

While working onboard the ship, she uncovers there may be a serial killer on the Vella Gulf who is murdering prostitutes in each port. Nothing can prepare her for the gauntlet of turmoil and trouble that may lead to her demise by uncovering the true motive behind the murders.

Relentlessly pursuing two unknown serial killers, one at home and one at sea throws Watson into emotional disorder as she fights to keep control—driven to bring these monsters to justice.

Hopefully, this will entice the readers on the fence. If not, well … I got nothing. But I hope you enjoy the book as much I enjoyed writing it. I have started work on Rebecca’s next novel, The Girl Under the Leaves. It’s looking to be another exciting crime thriller.

If you haven’t read the first crime thriller, Stone Cold, you can purchase here. I hear it’s a great read. Anyway, I hope March treats you well and that 2021 will be a much better year than 2020.

Happy reading,



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